A few things we did this week to celebrate the holidays:
1) We went to one of the primary schools that Jeff works with and handed out t-shirts that my Aunt sent. We had about two hundred t-shirts and thanks to the poor attendance at the end of the school year, we were able to give a shirt to every kid. Our friend Alex came along to document, so check out the pictures. One of the funniest moments was at the end of the day when a first
This day was really nice for Jeff because he often has to deal with solving a lot of problems at the school. The work he is doing here is wonderful and important, but that also means complicated and frustrating. So having a day to just hand out free t-shirts and enjoy the instant gratification that it brought to the kids and us was wonderful. In the end, the t-shirts won’t mean as much as the other things he has done, but it was so rewarding to have a nice, uncomplicated day of giving.
2)On Tuesday, we went to the Kasiisi Primary School “Christmas Concert”. More on this in a future post.
3) Today I handed out sugarcane to my field assistants to enjoy. My guys love sweet things, so this was a real treat that made them super happy first thing in the morning. I suggested that they could